Dynamic and intensive yogaclasses for everyone

Dynamic and intensive yogaclasses for everyone

“Yoga is truly for everyone – it starts where you are now”

Welcome in my yoga world!

Photo by Gill Bruggeman
Do you wanna experience a different kind of yoga? Than you are at the right place!

Hello there!
I am Frederike – or Frede, for short.

After about 5 years of devoted practice under the wise guidance of several yoga teachers from Belgium and abroad (especially Nele Van Poucke from the yogalovers), I am now offering yoga classes based on the Prana Vinyasa Flow developed by Shiva Rea. Prana Vinyasa is a highly active form of yoga that focuses on breathing, core stability, endurance and flexibility. Each practice guides the body through a constant flow of movement and breath, which serves as a compass to navigate your personal physical boundaries as they are in the moment.

Since I am an avid climber, I am always looking for ways to improve my strength, range of motion and climbing technique. The Prana Vinyasa flow has helped me achieve these aspirations and so much more. My regular practice has helped me gain more body awareness and control, making me a safer and better climber.

My classes are accessible to everyone. No prior experience is needed to be able to follow the flow. I offer so-called ‘kramas’ or ‘pose variations’ to cater to each level, from beginner to advanced. Important note: I always encourage a gentle approach, in yoga and in life! Yoga is not a competition – not with yourself, nor with others. The purpose of yoga is to unify body (work) and mind (awareness) through consistent practice and, in so doing, to feel good!

Whether you’re looking to improve your physical fitness, reduce stress, or increase your focus and concentration, my dynamic yoga classes are the perfect solution. So why wait? Join today and experience the benefits for yourself!

Love, Frede

Photo by Gill Bruggeman